Email is a great tool, but because of unwanted email, more and more people are looking for ways to Trace E-mail. Spam is the one thing that makes people not want to check or even open their email accounts.
With phones, there are ways to determine the caller ID and location of a person. There are different ways to also determine the source of an email.
Why would you want to determine the source of an email?
1. You don’t want to filter out potentially important email. Because of spam, there is a lot of companies that have developed tools to prevent these types of email from reaching your inbox. But, you can’t filter all unknown emails because you might actually stop an important type of email from reaching you. Examples of important email include: a message from a new client you met a few days ago, an email from an old friend you have not seen in years, a confirmation from a recent online transaction,…the list goes on and on.
2. You want to find out who is sending the same annoying emails. If you’ve been getting emails from different sources, but they seem to have the same message, chances are they are from the same source. Somehow they have found unique ways of sending the same annoying messages with a different email.
It could be that you are being spammed because the computer sending the email is infected with a virus and sending random messages out from a specified location.
If there are messages in your inbox that you are not sure about, then further investigation could be the thing you need to do. There are 2 ways how you can identify the source of an email.
Through Email Headers
When we receive emails, we don’t always see the information, but the information is there. To get the header details you will need to look under the internet headers option. For Outlook, you will find it under View/Options/Internet Headers. It will be different for other email programs. You may need to use the help file to locate this option.
The information in the headers will give you a bunch of details that are needed to trace the origin of the email. If you are familiar with network protocols and what each line item means, it will take you a few seconds to determine the origin.
Using an intuitive tool like the Trace E-mail Service to quickly trace the origin of an email.
If you don’t have the knowledge or know how to manually read an email header, you can get help using an email service tracer. When you use the service you simply plug in the email address of the unknown party and within seconds you will get the identity with any relevant information.
Sounds simple right? Don’t take my word for it, have a look for yourself. Visit: E-mail Tracer
Again, you can’t always filter out the emails from unknown parties because you never know if the email is important. Also, you may need to find out the source of an email if you’ve been getting annoying emails and need to report them.
Do you really want to know the source of that email? Visit: How to Trace E-mail.